BanDai 1/72 A-Wing Starfighter Build

I hit a bit of a snag on the Soyuz build so I thought I'd take a break and do a quick build of another BanDai Star Wars model. This time it will be the A-Wing Starfighter which first appeared in the Return of the Jedi movie. They also feature in an earlier timeline in … Continue reading BanDai 1/72 A-Wing Starfighter Build

1/144 Apex Soyuz Rocket Conversion Update 2

In the last update I mentioned that I'd be using the photo etch grid fins from the RealSpace kit. Well, I folded and test fitted one of the PE grid fins on the 3D part. It was a big fat no-go. It was just too big. It was too wide to fit and would have … Continue reading 1/144 Apex Soyuz Rocket Conversion Update 2